Friday, 11 December 2009

Liverpool FC & Everton FC - Share we go again

Despite Liverpool FC ruling out a groundshare with Everton, it's an issue that refuses to go away. I was recently asked for my views on the topic, and replied with the following:

IMAGINE telling Catholics their cathedral in Liverpool was closing and they had to go over the road and share with the Church of England.

Forget history, forget your religion, this is the future. This is business.

It would never happen, of course. There would be uproar.

Yet it seems perfectly acceptable to suggest that my cathedral - Anfield – should be closed (bad enough in itself) and that the club I love, Liverpool FC, should share a new ground in Stanley Park with that shower from the other side of said park, Everton.

Well sorry, no. Never.

On so many levels, it's a non-starter.

A club's ground is central to its identity – it is its home, its powerbase, and it's the cathedral for the fans' religion: Liverpool.

To share it with your bitterest rivals would dilute everything to do with Liverpool FC - from the matchday experience to the framed picture of your club's home.

It would be the end of a combined 248 years of footballing history - that's how long Liverpool and Everton have lived in their OWN homes.

And how would it work?

What would the stands be called? What colour would the seats be? Where would the Shankly Gates go? And what about the statue of good old Bill? Or the one of Dixie Dean at Everton?

But of course there's the business argument. The money. Well sorry, fuck the money!

It's not about money, or business. It's sport, it's a team, a club, something that represents the city and means an awful lot to a hell of a lot.

Not only that, but the business argument is flawed. Inter and AC Milan is always trotted out as this shining example of how groundshares DO work. Well do your research, it doesn't. If it does, why have Inter Milan paid for feasibility studies into building their own ground?

What about Roma and Lazio, they share? Yep, Roma want to leave, too.

If we merge the grounds, what next? Merge the teams? Half-red, half-blue kits with players turning out for Merseyside United or Everpool?

Silly maybe, but so is this groundshare idea. An idea that has only come to light again because Everton's Kirkby stadium fell through.

Well sorry Blues, clear up your own mess - we're not bailing you out - if we leave Anfield, we leave for a new Anfield, the new home of Liverpool Football Club...and no-one else.

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What a complete idiot.

Another shining example of the stupidity that will eventually lead to both clubs becoming no better than also rans - and the rest of us can keep laughing at them.

"Well sorry Blues, clear up your own mess - we're not bailing you out "

Are you joking? You don't get it do you? Liverpool are living on borrowed time (and money) and as soon as the Yanks cut and run, selling them to another dodgy arab outfit, you'll see how much worse off than Everton you actually are!
At least they haven't hocked their team to the highest bidder for a bit of short term kudos!
2 replies · active 796 weeks ago
I have to say ,as a blue ,that the idea is so common sense for both teams but we only hear these morons who have nothing better to do than sound hard on the internet .We are both in need and when the other team plays you don't need to be there , as for the colour of the seats ! ! The idea is you wont see them - but I don't see it happening because neither of us has our own half ! The players go out together , the management are friends , 95% of the fans are happy to improve our lot and we would be staying in Liverpool , it is only the fans ( and the money) stopping it so wake up smell the coffee
Sound hard? I'm just giving my opinion on an issue that is current, not trying to sound hard.

You seem to have completely missed my point - it's not about money and business. If it is, why don't we just have done with it an auction off every seat at the ground to the highest bidder?

Both clubs have survived this long in their own grounds - long may it continue.

What is the coffee I need to smell? LFC as a club don't want it, the fans don't want it, the owners - much as i hate them - don't want it.

Everton need it to happen but I doubt very much that 95% of either set of supporters want it to happen. Remember there was plenty of opposition within your own support for an almost free stadium in Kirkby.
"Dav" - you think I'm an idiot...funny that, the feeling's mutual.

My opinion on a groundshare is going to lead to both clubs becoming also-rans? Not over the top or anything then.

And what's the basis for being worse off then Everton? Or are you just throwing around over the top opinion for the sake of it?

LFC are a bigger club than Everton, more fans, bigger season ticket waiting list, more revenue, more potential and, clearly, a more attractive proposition to investors (otherwise why has no-one invested in EFC in the last five years when they have been scouring the globe for someone with deep pockets?).

Which brings me to your final 'point'. EFC would happily sell to the highest bidder. But there's no bidder.

As David Moyes said: "Maybe Everton need it more than they (Liverpool) do at this moment in time."
Robbie Shields's avatar

Robbie Shields · 796 weeks ago

Hello Reds, I'm a blue of 40 years and I've a couple of observations to make about hte original post. First of all, neither Everton nor Liverpool are Clubs, they are privately owned Companies. I understand the sentiment, but the true fact is that neither I nor robbo from Huyton have any saying in the running of these companies. Liverpool are in a financial mess, as too are Everton. The city of Liverpool is truely a special place, I asy this having emmigrated to Australia some 12 months ago and this has helped me to see just how important both Liverpool and Everton are to the City. The San Siro in Milan is actually owned by the City of Milan I believe. The reason Milan want to move is to keep more of the money from gate receipts instead of sharing it with Milan City Council. Robbo conveniently forgets the fact that Liverpool are actually now playing in Everton's old stadium! What would he say if we moved from Goodison to a new Ground in Stanley Park and Liverpool then moved into Goodison Park? Sorry, but it is short minded bitterness on both parts that mean that the great City of Liverpool could miss out on becoming once again THE EMMINENT FORCE of world football...........
4 replies · active 795 weeks ago
Robbies Shields's avatar

Robbies Shields · 796 weeks ago

........ The seats can be mulitcoloured and neutral in colour, the Shanlley gates, statue and flame for Hillsborogough incorporated into the ground along with Dixie Dean and the Everton Collection. The friendly rivalry of years gone by has dissolved to a certain extent, much because of opinions such as Robbo's above, fortunately there are many more less biggoted supporters of both our great clubs than there are Robbo's of this world. A shared stadium would be the making of BOTH clubs and realistically, Liverpool would still remain top dog if that is your worry, because of your world wide support from the success of the 70's and 80's, so don't get too paranoid that we'll overtake you.
Multi-coloured? Nice. It's not a case of bigotry, it's one of identity. Surely you as an Evertonian would like your club to have its own home in Liverpool - not half a stadium.

Paranoid you'll overtake us? Thanks for that, I needed a laugh!
Bird's eye view's avatar

Bird's eye view · 795 weeks ago

You're right. It's a question of identity. Being a football fan is akin to being in a tribe and nothing cements a tribe like having a base to love and defend. Fortress Anfield indeed. Economically it's a no brainer though.
Thanks for the comment Robbie, but please do tell what the relevance of Anfield being Everton's former home is to this debate? I'm well aware of course that Everton played there first but it's been our home since 1892 so didn't think it warranted a mention!

And what's your point about the San Siro? You're just backing up what I'm saying. Inter want to move to make more money from their OWN stadium not a shared one.

And why would LFC move to Goodison? We are already in a better ground than Goodison, and a ground which if need be could be extended on the main stand side. Goodison is landlocked, as well as outdated.

It's not a case of being bitter, I support Liverpool and the ground is central to the club, as I stated in the original post.
Well said Robbo, that probably reflects the feelings of most Liverpool supporters.

Interestingly the comments left by our Blue friends reflects what I have heard from other blues, both friends and family. Nothing personal lads but if you want a groundshare that desperately have you tried Tranmere? there would be no clash of colours and you could build a stadium more in keeping with the crowds you attract. Ours will be much too large for you.
@socialknight's avatar

@socialknight · 796 weeks ago

Having grown up a Red - visiting Anfield at nearly every school dinner time in the 70s for autographs and an almost daily audience with Bill Shankly I am indelibly RED. I am sure Blues are of a similar ilk via their own experience at their own ground. I agree with Robbo that we (both) should keep our own identity and central to that is our place of worship - our home grounds.

Young Reds and Blues need this unique experience to develop their own passion.

It's not bigotry - it's a passion for our Club, and yes, no matter who owns 'it' it is OUR club!

On a practical level - neither club shares their ground with their own reserve teams at the moment as it's said that pitch won't take too many games. So how can two premiere teams play 36 games plus the addition of potentially long cup runs manage to share the same pitch?

THIS IS ANFIELD lets keep it that way.
Hey mate - Excellent post! Hey - we agree on something ;-)

As I said in my post on the matter "Then there's the heart. The biggest problem for anyone looking to make the ground share reality? The fans' hearts. I don't want to ground share, I don't want to share our football club or its property with anyone. I don't want our great football club to have to share with anyone else. We are one of the top clubs in Europe, indeed the world. Why should we have to share? Again, I get angry at the years of mis-management pre-Purslow and I hope he is the man to move us forward commercially. The only rational business decisions for not having a ground share are in the paragraphs above but if you ask me, I can't give you any facts or figures, I just don't want to share."

It's just an emotive thing mate! If 'business calculating' me doesn't want it then you know it surely can't happen :-), despite all the logical business arguments for it.

1 reply · active 796 weeks ago
Well it had to happen one day.. :-)

Spot on though, I'd rather stay as we are or extend Anfield, explore the cheaper options, than share.
Robbie Shields's avatar

Robbie Shields · 796 weeks ago

THIS IS ANFIELD, don't you mean THIS USED TO BE EVERTON FC's FOOTBALL GROUND! It didn't bother you then, so why now?

I agree with some of your sentiment socialknight (Why don't you use your REAL names? Have you all got something to hide because I haven't). In an ideal world we would both have magnificent stadiums and be solely owned by our own supporters, but guess what, the world is not ideal. You have not won the league in 20 or so years! and I'm sorry to say (Not really......) but there is no sign so far that that is going to change in the near future. In fact, if you fail to qualify for the Champions League this years as is VERY likely, then as Souness has stated you could be REALLY in deep crap!

Be very careful what you wish for............
1 reply · active 796 weeks ago
Typical, so in a debate about a groundshare you move onto playing issues. You want to go there - sound. You haven't won ANYTHING for 14 years! And, guess what, there's no sign that will change in the near future either.

And again, what has Anfield previously being Everton's ground got to do with anything?
@socialknight's avatar

@socialknight · 796 weeks ago

Oh that old chestnut! Just like it didn't bother me when St Domingo played there before Everton? I guess to have been bothered then I would have had to have been born then. So what's your point?

As Rafa said yesterday - fans can judge for themselves the merits of Souness' comments.
Robbie Shields's avatar

Robbie Shields · 796 weeks ago

And we're called bitter blues, you lot are funny. I thought I might be able to have a civil conversation with some passionate Liverpool fans and instead I get the usual responses from the select and vocal few. You are a joke. The old 'we've won more than you' jibes, I was making a serious point that if you wanted it to change then maybe you should seriously think about the bigger picture, you deserve all you get, good riddance, I won't be discussing anything with you bitter petty lot on this site again. Haven't you lot learnt anything from Leeds.
1 reply · active 796 weeks ago are a joke mate, you won't be missed - bye now. Before you go, read back your own posts, you are the one that started having a pop about not winning the league when the rest of us were talking about the groundshare.

Go and spam another site and see if you get anyone to bite there.
paul cooper's avatar

paul cooper · 796 weeks ago

well said robbo lad, good article.

In no way, shape or form do I want to share a ground with them tramps from across the park. It doesnt make any sense whatsoever, other than the chance for the blueshite to get a ground built for them for fuck all, which theyve been trying to do for years now.

From what I hear you will get your tesco freebie soon enough anyway, the plans were only knocked back because they were stupidly shit and involved rerouting the river. Once the new ones are submitted which will place you more bang smack in kirkby town centre you will have your shiny new ground.

every little helps.....but you aint getting fuck all help from us.
I love the fact that bluenose twats are reading Liverpool blogs. robbo maybe you should rename the blog half red half blue to satisfy these morons. Tesco stadium has gone but word on the street is kenwright has another deal lined up, The Kwik Save Stadium on county Rd as another alternative.
Anfield being Everton's old ground is a pathetic argument and it's typical that the bluenoses are trying to use it as a "for" when they are talking about this ground share nonsense.

"Sharing" a ground and "Moving into one previously left by another club after the ground needed a team, the sole reason Liverpool FC were created" is TWO TOTALLY different things.

It's clear that it is the majority of the blus half of Liverpool that agree with the idea and not the red. Straight after Kirkby fell through?!

Their in crap and they know it, wasn't Moyes saying the other day he feels he's taken them as far as he can. Anything that could give Everton a new lease of life is a good idea to them well i'm sorry it's not to me!

As somebody just said THIS IS ANFIELD, i would rather see our ground crumble and us have to put astroturf on the car-park to play our remaining fixtures than move into a blue and red seated shambles of a football stadium and culture with Everton and people thinking that it actually will happen is nothing short of hilarious.
I used to be completely against the idea but it might be time to look at it.

I understand the line that says it's a non-starter, that Anfield is as much as the folklore as Shanks and that Italian teams might want to leave their shared grounds to have their own.

I think we should be pragmatic, see a shared stadium as a means to and end - what if it allowed us to compete with the likes of Man Utd and Chelsea in the transfer market? The Mancs must have something like 100 exec boxes and a capacity of 75,000 with talk that they want to increase this to 90,000 or so.

They have already left us behind and a shared stadium might help us narrow that gap.

Like it or not, football is as much about money as it about all the other things we want it to be.

And if we could get some European Objective 1 money, some NWDA cash and get Liverpool CC to cough up as well, then even better.

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